Spring is in full swing here at One Hundred Acres Home! Below is a photo of our flowering tulips that my husband planted late last fall. He planted some the season before. Our neighbors liked the spring flower show so much that they dropped off bulbs for us to plant. We suddenly found ourselves in need of a tool or solution to plant many many flower bulbs. This post will show you an easy fast bulb planting method to help your yard into a lovely Spring celebration.

Best Tool for Fast Bulb Planting:
We did try planting bulbs by hand with a simple gardening shovel. But, that’s tedious and time consuming if you really want to plant volumes of bulbs.
So, without further ado, here is the secret. A small lawn auger and a drill. This allows you to quickly drill 6 inch deep or so holes in the earth and move in rows waaaaay faster than you could dig by hand. The photo below shows an older auger drill. You can buy a fresh on on Amazon.com here.

See all the holes lined up below? That’s my husband filling the quickly made planting holes with more bulbs for even more tulips and daffodils.

Auger Drill Bit for Planting
The planting auger for drill designed with new model upgraded bit and more spirals on the solid shaft, ensures digging holes 10 times working efficiency, extremely increase your planting efficiency and you have more time enjoy the planting season.