Ok so, this room in our small cabin is officially a bedroom, but I was in need of a proper workout space. Let me show you this how I did a DIY bedroom to a home workout room transformation.
Here is where the room started. It had two weird Jack and Jill closets that took up too much space.

Here is the opposite wall.

Carpet Demo:
That dirty pale green carpet has to go! So I tore it up. It was actually really easy. Just pull one wall line up and start rolling. Then do the same with the carpet pad.

Wall Demo:
Let’s get rid of these weird closet walls!

I tried to keep as much drywall as possible to keep patching and re-texturing to a minimum, but I got a little too enthusiastic in the right corner. Oh well. Let’s get patching.

There are a lot of drywall tutorials on YouTube, so I won’t get into the details. But generally, I used drywall screws to install the patching boards and the used joint compound and tape to patch the joints. The first few coats are rough, but just keep adding coats and smoothing it out further. It gets better and easier.

With the drywall patched, I added orange peel texturing before painting. Someday I’ll learn how the pros do drywall texture, but I simply used the drywall texture spray cans you can find at hardware stores.
With the walls repaired, the next step was to paint. I painted two coats primer and one coat of a matte white I found in the discount area at Home Depot. Love a good deal! I used the same paint on the walls and the ceiling. It made things easier and I thought it might help the low ceiling not look so low.
Here is the freshly painted room!

There was no way I was going back to carpet! But I also didn’t want spend a lot for hardwood floors. So, believe it or not, I went to Lowes and bought about 40 1x6x12ft kiln-dried spruce pine boards to use for flooring. It really deserved it’s own post that you can read here.
So long story short, here is the freshly installed DIY Pine Wood Flooring!

Finishing Touches:
This is a low-budget remodel (!!), so I cleaned up the old baseboards, gave them some fresh coats of paint, and re-installed them. All the stores were out of stock of baseboards at the time I needed them, so I was happy that I didn’t throw them out with the carpet when I demo’d the room.
I used Behr Scuff Defense in Semi-Gloss Ultra Bright White from Home Depot on all the baseboards, trim, and interior doors. It really does hold up great against scuffs.
Next, I painted the window sills with primer and the same Behr Scuff Defense in Ultra Bright White. I didn’t want competing wood tones, and this is a small room, so the more uniform the color, the larger I thought it would feel.
I re-installed the pull-down cellular shades over the windows. I bought those when we first moved in after finding a good deal on Overstock.com.
Here’s a progress photo. Now we just need to pull off the blue tape and move in!

Let’s turn this room into a workout space! I found a nice, not too busy rug at the local Costco for $80. I hung the TV back on the wall and went looking for a TV stand/console.
I found the exact IKEA TV console I wanted for $40 on Facebook Marketplace, but not in the color I wanted. Check out this post on how to paint laminate IKEA furniture.
Next I moved in the workout equipment and celebrated having a proper workout space for the first time in many years. I promise I actually use it! What do you think of this DIY bedroom to home workout room transformation?